In InSpec You Do not Need a resource to Test
Am using Chef's inspec to validate a server's configuration, and all the examples show you using a resource and testing against a specific set of tests for that resource.
But I am pulling in a YAML file, and want to validate some of the contents (not the YAML itself), so will do that with ruby and return a number of ruby variables I want to test.
The describe block (or here, describe/subject) can just refer to a variable and not an InSpec resource. Here we are checking dups should be an empty array:
control 'validate-nic' do
impact 0.7
title 'Validate nic variable structure'
paths ={ |k,v| v.dig('path') }
dups ={ |e| paths.count(e) > 1 }.uniq
describe "Check for duplicate path names in nic" do
subject { dups }
it { should be_empty }
And that works:
✔ validate nic variable structure: Validate nic variable structure
✔ Check for duplicate path names in nic should be empty
× validate-nic: Validate nic variable structure
× Check for duplicate path names in nic should be empty
expected `["nic-2-path-a"].empty?` to return true, got false